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Global Perspectives

Insights from our team of expert researchers & contributors.




The Future of English: one year on

Since launching The Future of English: Global Perspectives in April 2023, the Future of English research programme has grown and flourished. New research projects have been commissioned and ...

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In our rapidly changing world what is the future of the English language?

English is one of the most spoken languages in the world, but what will English look like in the future? Here Mina Patel, one of the authors of the new British Council publication ‘The Futur...

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What lies ahead?

How we learn and speak English is evolving, with significant implications for educational institutions, government agencies, NGOs and policy makers. Learn about these findings and more in our book.


Teachers as agents of their own change

In this article we explore the role of teacher beliefs and values on teaching practices. Mina Patel is a researcher at British Council and co-author of the landmark publication The Future of...

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The Future of English: implications for teachers

We are living through a period where the pace of change seems relentless. This changing world has implications for the use and the teaching of the English language. Change creates opportunit...

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